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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Nothing like a Thursday

Today, I took Chris to work, before sunrise. That's always fun. There is something about the quiet in the morning before all the hustle and bustle begins. Although, more often than not, I would prefer sleeping, rather than driving, that early.

Today is Thursday. Who made up the days of the week anyway? Why would they pick Thursday for this one? It's funny to sit back and question things like that. Something that someone is saying right now, will be a normal act 20 years from now. That is kind of scary. Ever think that something you say or decide, will be set as the "norm" for future generations? Makes you want to be careful of what you say, doesnt' it?

My week so far...
Monday: Remembering September 11th and all that it means.
Tuesday: 3 year anniversary of my father dying.
Wednesday: Nothing that significant, but worked until 4am
Thursday: So, today is a bit mild.

I'll write more later.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Okay, now I have something to say... Imagine that. Sitting here at almost 9pm, trying to figure out how the heck to create a podcast... well, needless to say, it's not working for me at the moment. Maybe I should actuall go to GarageBand and read up on it... but I really don't want to right now.

Talked to a few people today, some who I barely know, some I just met, some I've known a while, and yes, there are those who I have known way entirely too long. It's interesting how different people come into your life for different reasons. Most of the time, we never know the real reason that God brings others into our lives, but sometimes we are thankful that He did. (And then there are those times, we pray that he would make them move far away.)

Over the past few months, I have learned a lot about my friends. My real friends, my true friends, my pseudofriends, and my convenient friends. I have always loved my friends for as long as I can recall. My friends are what keeps it real. Or so I thought. I love the ones especially who can make me laugh, even in times of great despair, or tragedy. You know, the real gut wrenching laugh, that makes you lose your breath, your eyes water, your eye lids actually overlap, you cheeks hurt... that kind of laugh. I've had a few of those in my life, and couldn't imagine not ever having one again. Seems thought that lately, I haven't been as happy as I need to be. Not exactly sure why. No one's fault but my own.

I have very high expectations of my friends. I tend to measure them with the same ruler I measure myself with sometimes, and that can be disappointing. You know the Bible says, "A friend loveth at all times." Proverbs 17:17, and I truly believe that. A true friend does, no matter how unlovable you are. I would lay down my life for my friends (then again... most of them, not the pseudofriends.)

I have let myself become sad about friendships that have dissolved because they were not fed with the right food, and sometimes there is just no resurrecting them. (Although with God, anything is possible, right?) I sit an analyze what happened, if anything, and wonder what I could have done to make it different, when in actuality, there wasn't anything I could do, or can do, for that matter. It hurts my heart to not have a person, who posed as a true friend, but wasn't, who said things that I took seriously and believed, but they were not the truth, who said they would be there when I needed them, but they weren't. I know I shouldn't let it bother me like it does, but nonetheless, it still bothers me. I tend to let people use me, too, or so my husband says. My friends use me. Okay. I use my friends. It's a give and take relationship... but I know deep in my heart that some of my friends will be here for the duration... and that's all that is important to me.

Friends become your wings when you are tired of flying, they become your motivation when you want to walk out, and they become your hope when you feel none exists. Treasure them. Embrace their kindness. Love their sense of understanding and selflessness. Know they are truly there for you, whether you want to believe it or not. Let them know how important they are to you, and that you appreciate them.... for who they are.... for what they do. The memories of a good friend live in your heart forever, but also, remember, one day, they will be gone.