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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Unexpected truth

If you know me, or have known me long, you probably know that I am not a fan of surprises... unless it's a concert, game or maybe a great bottle of wine. Recently, I have been challenged... with many emotions that I have never felt before. There is more going on behind the scenes than most people are aware of, and I'm okay with that. Not everyone needs to know everything. But no matter what the details of the past few days were, something unexpected happened.

You know, I have friends, have had friends, and each story is different. Amazing, sometimes crazy, but overwhelmingly unique. All individual, and great in their own right. But God did something, and He surprised me a few days back. He placed someone in my life at exactly the right time. And I thank Him for that.

Compassionate, positive, real, and genuine. Words that are hard to come by most days, and rarely all in one person... as sad as that is to say. Genuine sincerity, a gracious heart. Restores faith in humanity.

I know I overthink things... and I'm reminded of that often when I try to analyze why things happen. Sometimes, we are better being left in the dark on that one. We will find out one day, and it probably won't be for the reason we originally believed.

Everyone needs to experience a true friend. What defines a true friend for you? Here are my thoughts on what a true friend is someone who:
  • Will be there for you, as much as they can; 
  • Who respects your boundaries, but stands their ground;
  • Can make you laugh until your eyelids overlap, but at the same time can be a shoulder on your darkest days;
  • Who challenges rather than criticizes;
  • Who does what others aren't expecting;
  • Who joins our journey instead of judging your decisions.
  • Who prays for you. 
How many true friends do you have? Like really true... those who are invaluable, irreplaceable, and will always be a part of your life? They are my unexpected truths that God has dropped in my life. And I thank Him for each of them...often. I thank Him especially for this one. 

Monday, February 11, 2019


My definition by today's guidelines is different, in that when I think of the word "dreamers," I think of those who are ambitious enough to think outside the box. My mother's words resonate within me... "It costs nothing to dream."

I love how that sentence applies to me. I love that the truth in that statement is so bold. It really doesn't cost a penny to dream. In fact, the most iconic businesses in play right now started with a dream. This vision of something that no one was willing to take a risk on. Thoughts jumped outside the box of normalcy into this creative realm of thinking.

I used to save clippings, photos, or notes of things I wanted to do, travel to, accomplish, or own. I still jot down words to think of later or places I want to visit before I die.

Dreaming is good.

Don't ever trust anyone who crushes them. Those people shouldn't be allowed to even witness your creative, trusting, imaginative, and loving soul.

This has been hard for me, bucking up to the fact that I want to please people too much. I think I just want people to challenge me just enough that it inspires me, but doesn't cross the line.