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Thursday, August 19, 2010

stopping to appreciate

In the craziness and stressful times we live in, moments seem to pass, memories are made, but not cherished as much, and time gets the best of us... instead of those we love. It's profound for me to think about how things happen, try to understand how God thinks, or humor myself trying... remembering to count my blessings even in the midst of feeling sorry for myself. I am so blessed. Nothing will deter me from that fact. Many of you wonder or worry about me because I am now divorced. Well, wondering and worrying won't do you any good. I ask you to just pray for me... That should dissolve the worry and wondering... and leave YOU more time for YOU... :)

I was working out tonight, and I haven't in a while, but it was sure good to get back to the gym... and I was thinking... ok... I'm by myself, I'm almost 40 years old, I don't have any kids, except my cat if you count him, I have a roof over my head (at the moment), food to eat, and a job that I love. Some of the songs I have on my iPhone to listen to while working out challenge me to think outside the box. I've been under the impression that I need to make someone feel special, that I am to be needed, wanted, loved... when in actuality, I am all of that... God loves me, hurts for me, lifts me up, needs me to spread His word, wants me to yearn for Him more... I need to concentrate on that instead of worrying how or why something will happen or happened to me.

When the song, "Arise" comes on... I love it. Chris Sligh does a great job with that song... and it's upbeat enough to workout to... So I am going to concentrate on that...

Stars go down in the western sky 
The light fades in as the darkness dies 
Sunlight, sweet sunlight 
Brings the day that You’ve created
Perfect remedy 
For all that tears at me
Arise, arise with the morning 
Arise, your mercies are new 
Arise, arise with the morning 
That finds me running back to you
Darkness comes and covers all my faults 
Tears fall down, sting my wounds like salt 
Hopes fade, till I’m caught 
In the day that you’ve created
I’m anxiously waiting 
Redemption is brimming 
With stories created 
Each new day 
I know you are coming

Very impressive from the American Idol finalist... :) Anyway... those are my thoughts for the night...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm Home

Sometimes... once in a great while, a song comes along that personifies what you feel or what you want to feel... and I just found this song that does it for me. I know many people who have found the love of their life... and are still happy... and this can describe that feeling. Completion. Safety. The day I can say this to someone, which may be never, would be beautiful. It is a beautiful song, performed by Jo Dee Messina off of her new album. If you haven't heard it, visit iTunes and listen... Absolutely beautiful.

Some of the lyrics are as follows:

I'm Home

Every night that I have cried myself to sleep, every time when I have given up on dreams
And every hope and prayer had fallen through I was only on my way to you

The first stanza pretty much sets the tone for the whole song. Check it out if you want to... it's a great song.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Interesting word. Choices.
Our lives are based on them.
People laugh or cry as a reaction to them.
It's all about choices...

When we wake up... we choose to either be happy about the day ahead, or choose to think of the crap you went through yesterday and let it worry you. Try this one day... wake up. Thank God for the beautiful day (even if it's raining, it's making the grass grow), put all worries aside, and choose to be happy for that day.

You know the saying don't go to bed angry (usually applies to married couples), but it can apply to anyone. If you go to bed with negative thoughts on your mind, you won't rest easy.

It's not that I have been going to bed angry, but I have let different conflicting thoughts overcome my mind and I am not getting the rest I need in order to be my best... (and thank you, I have not had any tea in 4 days! So I am not having the caffeine high that usually keeps me up at night.)

I choose to be happy... today, anyway. :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Rocky Mountains...

I try to live in the moment. Take it for what it's worth. We aren't promised our next breath, so I tend to think of things that affect me now, rather than look down the road and see how the outcome could affect me... This could be a good thing, or a bad thing.

The little moments... like when I can look up in the dark night sky... where no city lights are, and see the stars... marvel at the wonder of God, and try to wrap my brain around the fact that each star was placed there specifically by God, just for me to see at that moment.... or when a star "falls"... it was all meant to be.... or sharing a laugh with my mother... over the silliest of things, but it was still a good laugh!

Recently, I went to Colorado and was able to visit my friend, Stephanie, and bring (drive) my mom back home from staying with my uncle for two months. She found a condo up there that she loves, so is in the process of possibly purchasing it...

But while I was up there, I stayed with Stephanie and Tom in their home in Morrison, in the mountains, out of the city atmosphere, yet close enough to go into Denver if we wanted... It was like a retreat... (with dogs ;) and everything)... but to stand out on the balcony and hear the crickets and the wind blowing the aspen leaves was very calming to me, and I loved being able to do nothing. Shocking, right? But it was a welcomed state that I was in, though I don't know if I could actually live like that. I would have to wind down a bit... and I'm not sure I'm ready to do that. But it was a nice visit....  the best thing about it...besides getting to see a great friend of mine that I haven't seen in a while... was the weather. I could go on and on about the weather... it was a little warm during the day... but at night... Heaven... especially when we sat in the hot tub up a few stairs from the house, surrounded by tall trees, Denver lights in the distance, and stars when I looked up... Thanks Stephanie for a much needed relaxing few days!

Mom and I drove up Trail Ridge Drive to the Visitor Center and back down... and at the top it was 46 degrees... a little rainy, so we didn't really stay, just drove up there and back. We were going to eat at Smokin' Daves BBQ in Estes Park, but it was packed, so we ended up driving back to Longmont and heading over to Chili's (Mom's choice)... But it was a good drive/visit with my mom. She is super-excited about getting back up there...loves it there, so I am happy for her.

And of course, Stephanie and I went shopping... just a little... and I went to CostCo... LOVED IT!! (so any of you that have costco cards here in Houston, need to hook me up... or at least invite me to go with you! ha ha)...

Here are some pix from that trip:

it was rainy... and overcast, but still cool looking... :) (from the Trail Ridge Drive)

The buck elk was chillin' watching the rest of the herd...(from the Trail Ridge Drive)

this little one was trying to get away from me... but I caught him when he paused.... they are SO FAST!!(from the Trail Ridge Drive)

Nothing like driving through a cloud... (from the Trail Ridge Drive)

View from breakfast with Stephanie and Tom...(and LC and KC - in the jeep)