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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Random Thoughts

Is it okay to tolerate someone who has hypocritical tendencies, yet is blinded by their own insecurities to see what they are actually doing? Just asking. It was on my mind. Having random thoughts lately. But I guess that is better than having no thoughts at all.

Is it a little awkward to want to go to a pub for a Sunday brunch after church?

I was looking up plane tickets to Anchorage to see a friend...and OMG, they are so expensive... even a couple of months out. So, we'll have to re-evaluate that whim.

I wish I could make everything better... like "be the change you want to see in the world" is my new slogan. I just can't please everyone all the time. It gets old after a while, trying to avoid things, step on eggshells, and tread lightly around a select few. If they don't know me, like me, or love me by now... oh well. It probably meant they are there for a season... but not a lifetime.

Current Events:

Tonight I had fun, Rockies baseball vs. Cardinals... they lost 3-6, but it was fun, nonetheless. Went with Stef, TB, Carlei and Jeff. We were in the upper section, but had a pretty good view of 1st base. The weather was perfect for a baseball game, and the sun fading behind the mountains was beautiful.

Before the game, we caught the last quarter of "non-competition" of ut vs. utep at a little Texas bar and grill in Denver. It was fun, and I was amazed to see all the burnt orange shirts filling up the place. A victory is a victory though, and Texas did it in a big way.

And then I found out that UH beat Texas Tech... what?!? that's awesome.

all in all. a good night out with friends. that always makes me feel good.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Dad

Yesterday my dad would have been 74. I miss him. :) I can't help but feel selfish and wish he was still here, but I think of him more often than not, and wonder what he would do in certain situations, what he would say...

I miss his smile. Always could warm a room, made me feel like the most loved person in the world, made me feel good about myself, it was validation of the love between a father and a daughter.

I miss his eyes. Though the last days here, his eyes were not as happy as they usually were, they were full of worry and anxiety, but there was a sense of calm when he looked at me. My dad actually smiled with his eyes. He had joy in him, and loved to share.

I miss him. period.

Be sure and tell those who you love, cherish, and are thankful they are in your life... what you feel... because one day, as dismal as it sounds, you may not have the chance... and why wouldn't you want to make someones day? make them feel better? let them know you care?

I try to use what my dad taught me in that I am open and honest with my feelings, about my family, my friends, people who are closest to me. It may be repetitive when I say I love you, I appreciate you, I'm thankful for you... but each time, each and every time I say it, write it, email it, I mean it. :)

Say what you mean, mean what you say.