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Thursday, November 3, 2011


Events leading up to today were treacherous and long, but the day is done. A part of my life is now over (or will be officially on Monday) and now I can move on, and take what I have learned along the way... wisdom... to make better and conscious choices in the future. I'll share my top ten with you:

1. Don't always give others the benefit of the doubt. This will usually come back to bite you later.
2. Never act on vindictive thoughts. This is not worth the energy.
3. Stay true to your convictions, morals and beliefs. Who cares what others do. You don't answer for them.
4. Pray for your enemies. How hard this is... ugh. But necessary.
5. Surround yourself with positive influences and people. There is NO room for negative any more.
6. Don't trust the court system. Figure out a way to deal with things on multiple levels, to soften the landing, in case you are forced to fly.
7. Always be the bigger person. Most show their immaturity all on their own, without your help.
8. I'm a firm believer in "what comes around, goes around"... I just wish I could be a fly on the wall.
9. People with no integrity can never cross my path again, and I'd be okay. I can't stand a liar.
10. Be thankful for the blessings you have received... always give of yourself for Him.

I'm so sleepy, but I cannot seem to sleep at the moment. So many thoughts going through my mind right now, and not necessarily good ones. It's amazing to look back on so many years and realize that the person you once vowed to spend your life with, has done a complete 180. And for the life of me, I can't understand why I could not have been a better judge of character (or lack thereof). The only word that can come to me is UNBELIEVABLE. I could sit here and write his name, her name, what they have done, what kind of people they are... and share it with the world... but that is not my place. As bad as my thoughts are about this subject, I choose the higher road. I just pray that God keeps me on that one...

I will not choose that mistake again.