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Friday, November 5, 2010

phone lines to Heaven, and the little light...

Most people can't tell me that they have never wished for a phone line to Heaven. I was driving home, saw this beautiful sunset with the phone lines silhouetted in them and made me think of that statement... How wonderfully thought-provoking.  With the recent mortality checks lately, I can't help but think about how fun it would be to be able to have my dad on speed dial... or my grandmother, or anyone, for that matter, that I no longer can speak to. With saying that... it's not as if I haven't heard their voices. I love dreams... though I can't remember everything that happened in them, they seem to comfort me, when I see people who I love so much, right there, beside me, hugging me, or right in front of me, appearing to be alive and well... in my dream. Makes me not want to wake up sometimes... But it feels so RIGHT.

Looking at the photo above... makes me think that Heaven will be that bright... unrecognizable until we are there... It also, to me, signifies the greatness of God. One tiny ray of light... can illuminate millions. Why can't we do that? If we have the "light" in us... why not make it apparent to those around us... and let them see our soul? Let our souls shine....So simple as to go back to the Sunday school song... "this little light of mine... I'm gonna let it shine" Remember that?

Monday, November 1, 2010

My Thoughts on Dr. John

With the West Texas wind blowing, scattered clouds in the sky, just East of Abilene, on a beautiful God-given day, I witnessed the final goodbye to a father, grandfather, great-grandfather, husband, brother, uncle, mentor and dear friend. Not only that, but an ambassador of God in the most respectful way.

Still on my mind, not only the amazing man, but the amazing love of this man.

When I received news last week that Dr. John had passed, honestly I was in shock. I just spoke with him and his wife, June, at homecoming just a few weeks ago, and had a very pleasant visit, full of smiles, memories, and grace as always. I even left there with some of Nunnie's red plum jelly... depicting them to a tee... so sweet. :)

This also brought about memories of the death of my father 7 years ago, the daunting feeling of loss and the absence of being able to hear the sound of his voice, to be embraced by that hug, or to look in those eyes again... it will forever remain in me... not to haunt me ever, but to calm me in times of stress, soothe me in times of desparation, and give me hope that there are men of honor and integrity. Dr. John Estes was a man of integrity, as I knew him, and always made sure that those around him knew how he felt, especially if he loved them. Going back to the day I met Dr. John, (Daddy Doctor or DaDo as sometimes lovingly called by his family), I was invited to lunch after church on Sunday, with Jill and David. Circa 1992, and yes, I know I'm dating myself... but the first time I met him, he treated me as though I had known him forever, welcoming me into his life, his family, his home.

I was blessed enough to stay there a while while Dr. John and June worked with the Haitian Christian Foundation the summer I was taking extra classes. Opening up their home to me was sweet, but what it allowed me see was undeniable. Never had I seen a man that loved not everyone, but oh so loved his wife. He would do the dishes on Sunday's after lunch, but he would also make her fresh-squeezed orange juice, said that she deserved nothing less. He also made a great ham. He was very kind to everyone that crossed his path, and I was so happy that I was one of those people. He talked to me of hope and faith and love, that kindness should prevail in every situation, and that reading the paper was always a good way to see the world. I put him in a role as a pseudo-grandfather, since I grew up without any, and it was always fun to sit and listen to his stories... from some of his brother's doings, to most recently the boots Rick Perry was wearing with the "Come and Take It" showing on the cover of Newsweek in the Spring this year. Dr. John had many hats, but the one I grew to admire the most was that of "family man." What a great legacy he has left behind.

With some photos from the graveside service, and the perfect song that best reminds me of him and the amazing soul I was able to love, even only briefly, I have included the video... Please click on the play (triangle) button below to start video, since the song has probably already played... and if you didn't, please listen to the words of the song and take to heart, that this man that has touched the lives of so many... (song has been removed... "Nothing to Prove" by Phillips, Craig & Dean is the name of the song)

a man who lived with no excuses, loved with no regrets..."
I learned more by how you lived than what I heard you say..."

Dance with the Angels, Daddy Doctor...