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Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Small word with lots of meaning. Causes heartache sometimes for no reason. Overjoyed when exceeding them. Ugh.

I used to think that expecations were a bad thing. Why waste my time expecting something to happen that very well might never happen? Or why get my hopes up just to be let down? Funny thing is... every single human being will be let down if we put our hopes, dreams, and expectations in anything that is does not put God first. That's a basic faith fact.

I am at a point in my life where expectations do nothing for me. Whether the expectation is coming from me, or directed at me. I have often said that I will do anything for anyone but the moment they expect me to do it (when it's usually done out of the goodness of my heart), it takes away the meaning to me, and becomes almost like an obligation rather than something gracious. It removes any sort of intrinsic reward that I ever felt, and in a way demeans the relationship.

At this point, I ponder about that... and find myself on the other end of the rope. I have caught myself expecting from others (whether actions, words, or feelings), when I know that nothing good comes of it... especially without communication. I pray to God that I am making good, Godly decisions, based on His expectations and no one elses. If I do that, I should be good.

But alas, we are all imperfect humans. Please pray for me as well.
Thank you.