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Sunday, September 18, 2016

When in this life...

When in this life, do we have time for anything? 

It seems to all melt together in a  tight ball of "hurry up and do this" or "if we don't go now, we'll miss something." Let me tell you something, a word to the wise... live in the present. When you have a conversation with someone, especially someone you love, try to refrain from saying things like "I don't have time" or " I am too busy." Even if you don't have the time, never state that. What you convey to the person you are talking to, is that you CHOOSE not to MAKE time for them, to listen, to visit, to care. Life is busy. I get it. But get your priorities straight. If you say you are going to do something, then hold to your word, and DO IT! Otherwise, again, don't say you'll do it. The people that are here today may not be here tomorrow, and that goes for you as well. Forgive. Move past the hurt. Wrap yourself in the love that surrounds you.

When in this life, can we go back in time? 

We can't. We can relive memories, at times, recollect things that have happened, good and bad, but we can't go back and change anything. Why waste time thinking of what should have or could have been done differently. We are a cumulation of our choices. The quicker we realize this, the better off we will be.

When in this life has accumulating possessions become more important than cultivating relationships? 

If we put time investing in the people that surround us, really listening to them, learning their story, catching a small glimpse into what makes THEM happy, as opposed to making ourselves happy... think of how much better this life would be.

When in this life... NOW.

  • Wake up.
  • Pray relentlessly.
  • Be the bigger person.
  • Make that phone call.
  • Listen to others.
  • Say hello.
  • Give hugs.
  • Offer a shoulder.
  • Throw a smile out there.
  • Forgive now.
  • Life is short.
  • Touch a life.
  • Save a life.
  • Love with abandon.

You never know who God puts in your path. Sometimes you don't know why they are there, sometimes you think you do. And sometimes, all reality can surprise you in a way that you never would have dreamed. Take notice of who surrounds you. Your family, your friends, people at church, or even a stranger you meet at a game. Just think about it.

And talking friends... Be a good friend... the best friend... the friend that makes others feel as though NO ONE is as important as they are... because at that moment... NO ONE is.

A display of priorities in a single moment can last a lifetime, and can reveal Christ to someone who may need Him.


Friday, August 26, 2016

Beautiful Gift

I was cleaning my office the other day, and came across some older cards that I had received from a sweet friend in 2007... and today, I read online, that this same person who has always been sweet, kind and loving, even came to my induction into the ACU Sports Hall of Fame, is in need of prayers.

Ms. Addie (84), which most of you who went to ACU knew of, if not, just plain loved her. Her daughter, Sharon, has shared that she is having some memory issues. Don't know the prognosis, but they are running tests. Pray for her family as they put it in the hands of God to take care of decisively one of His favorites...(and mine, too!)  And besides my mom, I have NEVER known anyone who loved to fish like her.

A heart of gold she has, put there purposefully, by God, to love all, even the unlovable, pray fervently for many people, lift up those who need encouragement, and to laugh and share the joy she possesses... She always comes back to the Book, the One. Good choice.

God in Heaven,  

I know you can hear me. Please be with Ms. Addie, and keep her safe in your hands while the doctors determine what's going on. Also, guide the doctors in the best possible direction from here. Be with her family and keep them close. I pray that Your will be done in all aspects. Thank You for a beautiful gift, for letting me know such a wonderful person, who has weaved kindness and compassion into the tapestry of my life. Let her feel loved as much as she has loved. And most of all, let her know You are there. In Jesus' name, Amen.

I just love her.

- Linda

UPDATE: from Sharon's post: "A Paul Harvey version of what apparently happened to our mom is that she had a stroke. It affected the part of her brain that controls hunger, vision, & speech. That explains the jumbled speech & confusion. She didn't "feel" hungry for 2 & 1/2 days. She was extremely dehydrated as well. She's been admitted to the hospital for a couple of days to rehydrate & then will be moved to a rehab facility. We'll update w/details as we get them. Thank you so much for your outpouring of love for her & all of us! We appreciate you so much!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Love Like Jesus

Strange enough to imagine,
A life that's simple and plain.
Where people greeted each other
And knew everybody's name.

Our land is so divided
So broken at the heart
Those who used to call it home
No longer want to be a part.

Racism is running rampant,
Degradation is on the rise.
Crime is the new normal,
And there is haunting in our eyes.

If we could love like Jesus,
Anyone, anywhere,
This nation would come together
And all would learn to care

With the compassion in our hearts,
And with love in our souls.
Let us, with God, take this nation
Where it needs to go.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Challenge.

You deserve more than you give yourself credit for. Embrace your life – your family, your friends, all of your blessings – all are from God, even if it may appear otherwise at times. We are all made with the same ability to feel, to love, to give, to appreciate, etc., – how we are taught to channel each of these is the challenge.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Familiar Sense of Calm

Last week was supposed to be a time of celebrating my birthday... not that I was looking forward to turning 45, but I was blessed to live another day. And at the same time I was celebrating with a few friends, little did I know that on the other side of town, a friend that is like a brother to me would lose his second son in a motorcycle accident. I was informed Wednesday morning.

This incident almost mirrored a similar incident almost five years ago, to the same family, where their youngest 21-yr-old son was involved in a fatal motorcycle accident.

I was in shock. Still am a little bit. But it sparked my thoughts, and I thought I would share with you what Willis, the Mora family, and the testament to friendship really means.

Willis Allen, a special person... precious dimples, captivating eyes, and overall a great guy... a wonderful cook (he was the executive chef at Sambuca downtown and on the cook team for Dusty Bones Cook Team)... loved his family, his friends, his great dane and his life. He was always full of life, smiling, enjoying himself. The last memory I have of him was when at the 2016 World Championship Barbecue Cookoff, he was a finalist for his chicken. :) This was definitely a big deal. He was happy. His dad was happy. His cook team was happy. It was a good day, even though he didn't win, he placed something like 18th out of over 400 cook teams. So my last memory of him, he was happy, being celebrated, as he well deserved.

The Mora's... James and Barbara. I grew to be closer to them early in 2015, though I already counted them as friends... but there is something about spending time with people that just draws you closer. I am so thankful for that. They are just good people. :) Five years ago, when their youngest son, Rich, was taken too soon, I tried to think of anything I could do to help them. It's one of those things, you're not sure what to do, what to ask, what to say, what to give, what to bring, talk or stay silent... So I did what I do, and prayed that whatever I did was accepted. And it was.

This time was different. I spent more time around Willis than I did Rich. Our paths crossed on more than on occasion. I felt more sadness because I knew him better... yet, I still had that familiar sense of calm... because of my faith. Willis is now with his little brother, Rich, who he loved dearly, and missed every day.

Times like this show the true value of friendship. Love your neighbor as yourself could not be more evident as it has been this past week. Many people who came to the service for our hometown chef, were friends of his, loves, and acquaintances... but many more people who paid their respect, love who raised him.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

One of the Hardest Things Ever

I had to do one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life today. I had to say goodbye to my little buddy, my best friend, who has been there for me in sad times, as well as when I was extremely happy. Who would have thought... a little feral cat, who I caught in a friends garage, hissing and spitting at me... would become a piece of my heart. It's so surreal that he is actually gone. He would have been 16 in May this year. Considering during his entire life, he was only sick once, and sneezed a couple of times... I did everything I could to make him better (the last 3 weeks), but his little body was done. Dr. Findley told me that when he stopped doing 2 of the 3 things he loves doing, then that would probably be the time to bring him in. Jasper was a fun, sweet, loving cat. Always in your lap, or right up beside you, purring, wanting and loving the affection and attention that he demanded. We had many happy memories... and then some not so good... but more good than bad. He road-tripped it to Colorado on more than one occasion, and also was my comfort when I was upset because a "friend" had betrayed me. I will miss the morning kisses on the nose, telling me he wanted a snack... the walking over my head when I turned over in my sleep, so he could sleep right in front of me... his turning upside down when he was in a good sleep... him stretching long and hard after a good nap, and him fetching his balls of paper I'd throw. Yes, he brought them back to me after he played with them. But at the end... when his eyes were visibly sick, he stopped purring, he didn't want to be around people, he groaned when I tried to pick him up, and he hid his head in his blanket the entire way to the vet... I knew it was time. Over fifteen years of loving on him was over, in what seemed to be an instant. I didn't like that feeling. I really didn't. But I can't see myself not loving another cat. Just not today. Jasper will always be in my heart. Plus, I have tons of photos of him. Thankful that I took so many... They will be sweet reminders. He was my child. And that feeling will never go away.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Be The One

It makes you a little stronger
When you're trust is put to the test.
Makes you rely on your faith
And let God handle the rest.

Letting go isn't that easy
When it hurts your heart,
When you realize ones you care about
In your life may not be a part.

But we are taught to forgive,
To look past the hurt and sorrow.
Look beyond the reasoning
And look forward to tomorrow.

There are many things in life
That are beyond our control.
It's how you react
That shapes the story that is told.

Take yourself out of the equation.
Focus on only good.
Be not the friend that can't let go,
Be the one that could.