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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hot Weather

If the weather we are having right now is any indication of what hell is going to be like, I want no part of it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Settling for Seasonal.

This can mean a lot of things, can't it?

Well, the meaning that I have put into it relates to some relationships I have had along my path in life... Looking back, at that moment in time, one was my best friend... someone I could count on no matter what, I could call and laugh about what happened that day, I could cry on her shoulder, or her on mine, and it was an easy relationship... however, tides change and so do people. Although I'm not at that place in my life anymore, I am thankful for those friends of the season, whether it be a few months, a few years, or even just a few moments... in some way they have touched my life, and I'd like to think that I am better having known them. :)

High school friends will always be high school friends. I keep in touch with a few, but they aren't in my everyday life. I have great memories from those years and read about how they are doing on facebook... but haven't stayed in touch with them as much as I thought I would... "back then"... we were friends forever. Funny how things change. We grow up. We live.

Friends from college tend to be a little more steadfast, though I have had my share of those who I thought were in my life always, to a random text every now and then. Just not that same "I don't know how I can live without you" friend... to a "it's good to hear from you after all this time" friend. I do have friends from college that I'm closer to now that 20 years have passed... (wow). And I am thankful every day for the reasoning and thoughtfulness God must have had to put them in my life more now, than then.

The end of a marriage. The end of that season. Many ask me if I would have changed anything. Though sometimes I thought I regretted any decisions I have made, I couldn't whole-heartedly commit to that answer because of all the joy the entire journey of that relationship brought me. I have met so many sweet, thoughtful and precious people during that 13 years, that it's hard to say I regret it. Do I wish things would have turned out differently? In my personal life dealing with my marriage, yes... in my social life, no.

My "now" friends. They are there for crisis after crisis, purposeful for strong opinions, good shoulders, and a smile to give when needed. I have always valued them, more than maybe I should've. But for good reason. I have met some interesting people... some who have built me up, supported me in decisions, brought me down to rational thinking when I was irrational, celebrated the happy times, cried with me when sad things happened. Still have some.

No matter if I knew you growing up when I lived in Houston, in Anderson, at ACU, in Oregon, in Cisco, in Conroe, in Galveston, or in Houston... there is a reason you were in my life. Whether you still are or not isn't the deciding factor on whether or not you have influenced me, taught me something, made me aware, engaged in conversation, listened to me, comforted me, etc... what matters is that you were, and I'm sure I am more knowledgeable because of it.

1 Corinthians 15:33 
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Proverbs 13:20 
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Learned these at an early age. You are a product of your environment. No one can tell me that it doesn't influence you and what you are willing to do. Peer pressure falls into this category. Therefore, surround yourself with loving, wise and godly people. I believe that I have walked with the wrong and with the righteous. I have done things pleasing and not-so-pleasing in God's sight. I have prayed for healing and praised God for blessings. I will never be worthy of His grace, but will be thankful for His mercy. God knows my heart.

Fact is.... That these people and relationships don't really change. I do. It's called life. 
I can choose who to love, but not who loves me. 
I can control what I do, but not what others don't do. 
I can serve God, but can't make others serve Him. 
God gives us the power of free will, what we choose to do with it will last longer than a season.